Craniosacral therapy is a very soft hands-on therapy which works with the fluids of the body and the central nervous system consisting of the brain and the spinal cord, to restore a state of balance to the whole human system.
Our body naturally tends towards a state of balance and health (homeostasis), when given the space to rest and recuperate.
Sometimes for various reasons – for example when we are under considerable emotional, psychological or physical stress – our body may be unable to return to a state of balance. Craniosacral therapy can help our body to return to homeostasis so that it can continue carrying out its natural processes.
In the absence of any problem, craniosacral therapy can also be a deeply relaxing, thus reviving and rejuvenating the system to ensure optimal health.
CST can help reset the imbalance in our body and works for the following conditions:
neck • back • shoulders • migraines / tension headaches • spine related issues • sciatica • joint pain
Fatigue • emotional difficulties • hormonal imbalances • teeth grinding • skin diseases • jaw popping/clicking • lack of energy or vitality • TMJ or TemporoMandibular Joint Syndrome • sleep disorders
accidents • surgery• injury • shock • post surgical
Sinusitis • Asthma • Bronchitis • Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders • Auto Immune Diseases
Endocrinal imbalance • hormonal dysfunctions
SUPPORTIVE: pre & post natal • terminal illness • children with hyperactivity
At the beginning of your first session, we will setlle and discuss your health history and your expectations from the sessions. Then the client lies down fully clothed on the treatment table. Contact is made via a light touch, carefully and respectfully, on the body – typically feet, head, and lower back so that the client is at ease. The pratcitioner then 'tunes'. will into what is going on in your body and notice where there are areas of restriction which may be holding physical or emotional trauma. As we are working, you may become aware of various sensations in the body, like heat, tingling, pulsations. Feelings and emotions may also come up as traumatic forces are processed and I will help you stay present and hold them with kindness so that things can resolve at a deep level.
How will you feel after a session?
• pleasant and deeply relaxing
• may fall into deep sleep
• more grounded and calm at the end of a session
• feelings, emotions, memories may come up
• more energetic or you may feel you need to rest after a treatment to allow the body to complete the process started in the session
The changes happening in craniosacral therapy can be very powerful but subtle and people recognise changes in their bodies long after a session has finished. You can observe these changes over the next few days after the session.
How many sessions will you need?
Each person is different and the number of sessions you will need also depends on what you want to work with and how long this ‘issue’ has been with you. We can review this as we work together. You may begin to feel changes after the first session or you may need a little longer for your body to take in the work and start releasing pain or tension. As the work tends to be cumulative, 4-6 sessions are needed initially to notice significant changes in your body. Often clients choose to come for regular sessions over time to explore and resolve deep-seated (emotional or physical) trauma held in their body or to maintain a strong sense of well-being.